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C++ Library from Ailurus Studio

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Members Descriptions
define INLINE If defined, funstions will be marked as inline.
define AI_GCC5_SUPPORT  
define STRINGIFY Convert a variable name into text.
define TO_STRING Convert a variable value into text.
define PRINT_LINE Print the line number.
namespace ai Main namespace.


define INLINE

If defined, funstions will be marked as inline.

If defined, funstions will be marked as inline. Comment the line if you want to omit this behavior





Convert a variable name into text.

This macro converts a variable name into text, which is useful for debugging

define TO_STRING

Convert a variable value into text.

This macro converts a variable value into text, so you can access the constants defined at compile time as std::string


Print the line number.

This macro prints the line number on which it was called

namespace ai

Main namespace.

Main namespace containing all the functions of AiLibrary


Members Descriptions
public INLINE std::string getVersion() Get version of the library.
public template<>
INLINE std::string string(const T value)
Converts input into a string.
public INLINE bool hasPrefix(const std::string & text,const std::string & prefix) Checks if a string begins with a substring.
public INLINE bool hasSuffix(const std::string & text,const std::string & suffix) Checks if a string ends with a substring.
public INLINE bool contains(const std::string & text,const std::string & substring) Checks if a string contains a substring.
public INLINE std::string replace(std::string text,const std::string & substring,const std::string & replacement) Replaces all occurrences of a substring in a copy of the initial string with your text.
public INLINE void applyReplace(std::string & text,const std::string & substring,const std::string & replacement) Modifies your string by replacing all occurrences of a substring string with your text.
public INLINE bool equal(const char * charString,const std::string string1) Checks if a char string is equal to a std::string.
public INLINE std::string toUpperCase(std::string input) Convert a string to upper case.
public INLINE std::string toLowerCase(std::string input) Convert a string to lower case.
public template<>
INLINE std::string prependNumber(const T value,const std::size_t symbolsBeforePoint,const char symbolToPrepend)
public INLINE std::size_t counter(const std::size_t value) Returns ID starting from zero or the specified value.
public INLINE std::string marker(const std::size_t value) Returns a string containing the word “Marker” and its ID.
public INLINE void printMarker(const std::size_t value) Calls marker() and prints result to stdout.
public template<>
INLINE T sign(const T value)
Returns signum of the value.
public template<>
INLINE T min(const T a,const T b)
Returns minimum of two values.
public template<>
INLINE T max(const T a,const T b)
Returns maximum of two values.
public template<>
INLINE T min(const std::vector< T > & input)
Returns minimum of vector values.
public template<>
INLINE T max(const std::vector< T > & input)
Returns maximum of vector values.
public template<>
INLINE T min(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & input)
Returns minimum of matrix values.
public template<>
INLINE T max(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & input)
Returns maximum of matrix values.
public template<>
INLINE bool isSquare(const T value)
Checks if number is square.
public template<>
INLINE bool isSquare(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix)
Checks if matrix is square.
public template<>
INLINE void generateRandomVector(std::vector< T > & vector,const std::size_t length,const T min,const T max)
public template<>
INLINE void generateRandomMatrix(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,const std::size_t xSize,const std::size_t ySize,const T min,const T max)
Fill matrix with random values.
public template<>
INLINE void generateRandomMatrix(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,const std::size_t size,const T min,const T max)
Fill matrix with random values.
public template<>
void rotateMatrix(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,const bool rotateClockwise)
Rotate square matrix.
public template<>
INLINE void inverseMatrix(std::vector< std::vector< T > > matrix,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & inverse)
public template<>
INLINE void inverseMatrix(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix)
public template<>
INLINE void translateMatrixIntoVector(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,std::vector< T > & vector)
Elongates matrix into a vector.
public template<>
INLINE void translateVectorIntoSquareMatrix(std::vector< T > & vector,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix)
Transform vector into a square matrix (if possible)
public template<>
INLINE void generateCirculantMatrix(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,std::vector< T > & source,const bool moveToTheRight)
public template<>
INLINE void multiply(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & left,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & right,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & result)
public template<>
INLINE void multiply(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & left,const std::vector< T > & right,std::vector< T > & result)
public template<>
INLINE void multiply(const std::vector< T > & left,const std::vector< T > & right,T & result)
Calculate vector-vector multiplication.
public template<>
INLINE void multiplyElementWise(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & left,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & right,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & result)
public template<>
INLINE void multiplyElementWise(const std::vector< T > & left,const std::vector< T > & right,std::vector< T > & result)
public template<>
INLINE void multiplyComplexElementWise(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & left,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & right,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & result)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE std::string complexIntoString(const std::vector< T > complexValue)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void conjugate(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & complexVector)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void fft(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & complexVector)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void ifft(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & complexVector)
#### Parameters
public INLINE std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point time() Returns current time point.
public INLINE std::chrono::system_clock::time_point systemTime() Returns current time point.
public INLINE double duration(const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start,const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point finish,const std::string scale)  
public INLINE double duration(const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start,const std::string scale)  
public INLINE void printDuration(const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start,const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point finish,const std::string scale,const std::size_t count)  
public INLINE void printDuration(const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start,const std::string scale,const std::size_t count)  
public INLINE std::string getDateAndTime(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point timePoint) Get date and time.
public INLINE std::string getDate(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point timePoint) Get date.
public INLINE std::string getTime(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point timePoint) Get time.
public INLINE std::string parseParameter(const char * input,const std::string name)  
public template<>
INLINE void assignFromVectorByIntervalCondition(T & value,const T parameter,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > intervals)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void assignFromVectorByIntervalCondition(T & firstValue,T & secondValue,const T parameter,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > intervals)
#### Parameters
public INLINE bool assignBooleanParameter(const char * input,const std::string name,bool & value)  
public INLINE bool assignCharParameter(const char * input,const std::string name,char & value)  
public INLINE bool assignStringParameter(const char * input,const std::string name,std::string & value)  
public template<>
INLINE bool assignParameter(const char * input,const std::string name,T & value)
#### Parameters
public INLINE bool assignAbsDoubleParameter(const char * input,const std::string name,double & value)  
public template<>
INLINE bool assignByCheckingParameter(const char * input,const std::string parameter,T & value,const T supposed)
#### Parameters
public INLINE void clearScreen()  
public INLINE void setLocale(const std::string locale)  
public INLINE void showProgressBar(double progress,const int screenWidth)  
public INLINE void printLine(const std::string line,const int screenWidth)  
public template<>
INLINE void parseFileInMatrix(const std::string filename,const char separator,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void parseFileInVector(const std::string filename,const char separator,std::vector< T > & vector)
#### Parameters
public INLINE void parseFileIntoString(const std::string filename,std::string & content) #### Exceptions
public template<>
INLINE void accumulateFileInMatrix(const std::string filename,const char separator,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void accumulateFileInVector(const std::string filename,const char separator,std::vector< T > & vector,const bool checkForNaN)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void printMatrix(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,const bool transpose,const int precision)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void printVector(const std::vector< T > & vector,const int precision)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void print(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,const bool transpose,const int precision)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void print(const std::vector< T > & vector,const int precision)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void print(const T value,const std::string name)
#### Parameters
public static std::string black("\30m") Terminal color code for black.
public static std::string red("\31m") Terminal color code for red.
public static std::string green("\32m") Terminal color code for green.
public static std::string yellow("\33m") Terminal color code for yellow.
public static std::string blue("\34m") Terminal color code for blue.
public static std::string magenta("\35m") Terminal color code for magenta.
public static std::string cyan("\36m") Terminal color code for cyan.
public static std::string white("\37m") Terminal color code for white.
public static std::string bold("\1m") Terminal style code for bold.
public static std::string underline("\4m") Terminal style code for underline.
public static std::string reset("\0m") Terminal code to reset special formatting.
public template<>
INLINE void printStyle(const T income,const std::string style)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void printBlack(const T income)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void printRed(const T income)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void printGreen(const T income)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void printYellow(const T income)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void printBlue(const T income)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void printMagenta(const T income)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void printCyan(const T income)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void printWhite(const T income)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void printBold(const T income)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void printUnderline(const T income)
#### Parameters
public INLINE void printAllStyles()  
public INLINE void clearStyles()  
public template<>
INLINE void saveMatrix(const std::string filename,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,std::string comment,const bool transpose,std::string type,std::string delimiter,const std::size_t tokenWidth)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void saveVector(const std::string filename,const std::vector< T > & vector,std::string comment,std::string type,std::string delimiter)
#### Parameters
public INLINE void saveLine(const std::string filename,const std::string line,std::string comment) #### Exceptions
public template<>
INLINE void save(const std::string filename,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,std::string comment)
public template<>
INLINE void save(const std::string filename,const std::vector< T > & vector,std::string comment)
public template<>
INLINE void save(const std::string filename,const std::string line,std::string comment)
public INLINE void saveLog(const std::string filename,std::string log,const bool timestamp,const std::string stampSeparator) #### Exceptions
public INLINE void saveLog(const std::string filename,std::vector< std::string > & logs,const bool timestamp,const std::string stampSeparator) #### Exceptions
public template<>
INLINE bool loadA3R(const std::string filename,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & positions,double & radius)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE bool saveA3R(const std::string filename,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & positions,const double radius)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void loadXYZ(const std::string filename,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void saveXYZ(const std::string filename,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,const std::vector< T > & tones,std::string elementName)
#### Parameters
public template<>
INLINE void saveXYZ(const std::string filename,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,std::string elementName)
#### Parameters
public INLINE bool folderExists(const std::string name) Check if folder exists.
public INLINE std::size_t countLinesInFile(const std::string filename,const std::string token)  
public INLINE std::vector< std::string > listFilesWithExtension(std::string path,const std::string extension,const std::string prefix,const bool addPathToFileNames)  
public INLINE std::string execute(const std::string command)  


public INLINE std::string getVersion()

Get version of the library.

This function returns version of the AiLibrary (we use SemVer)


Version as a string

See also:

public template<>
INLINE std::string string(const T value)

Converts input into a string.

This function converts your variable into std::string using std::ostringstream




std::string copy of your input

public INLINE bool hasPrefix(const std::string & text,const std::string & prefix)

Checks if a string begins with a substring.

This function checks if a string begins with a substring



True if string begins with a substring, false otherwise

public INLINE bool hasSuffix(const std::string & text,const std::string & suffix)

Checks if a string ends with a substring.

This function checks if a string ends with a substring



True if string ends with a substring, false otherwise

public INLINE bool contains(const std::string & text,const std::string & substring)

Checks if a string contains a substring.

This function checks if a string contains a substring



True if string contains a substring, false otherwise

public INLINE std::string replace(std::string text,const std::string & substring,const std::string & replacement)

Replaces all occurrences of a substring in a copy of the initial string with your text.

This function replaces all occurrences of a substring in a string with your text and return the result. Initial string stays the same



Modified copy of the initial string

public INLINE void applyReplace(std::string & text,const std::string & substring,const std::string & replacement)

Modifies your string by replacing all occurrences of a substring string with your text.

This function replaces all occurrences of a substring in a string with your text (modifies the initial string)


public INLINE bool equal(const char * charString,const std::string string1)

Checks if a char string is equal to a std::string.

This function compares a char string with a std::string



True if strings are equal, false otherwise

public INLINE std::string toUpperCase(std::string input)

Convert a string to upper case.

This function converts the given string to upper case and returns the result



Uppercase string

public INLINE std::string toLowerCase(std::string input)

Convert a string to lower case.

This function converts the given string to lower case and returns the result



Lowercase string

public template<>
INLINE std::string prependNumber(const T value,const std::size_t symbolsBeforePoint,const char symbolToPrepend)

public INLINE std::size_t counter(const std::size_t value)

Returns ID starting from zero or the specified value.

This function returns ID (increases it at each call) starting from zero or the specified non-negative value



Counter value

public INLINE std::string marker(const std::size_t value)

Returns a string containing the word “Marker” and its ID.

This function returns a string containing the word “marker” and its ID (increases it at each call). ID specified in the same way as in the function counter()



Marker string

public INLINE void printMarker(const std::size_t value)

Calls marker() and prints result to stdout.

This function calls marker() and prints result to stdout


public template<>
INLINE T sign(const T value)

Returns signum of the value.

This function returns signum of the number value (usign copysign())




-1 for negative values, +1 for positive, 0 for zero

public template<>
INLINE T min(const T a,const T b)

Returns minimum of two values.

This function compares two values and returns a minimum




Minimum of two values

public template<>
INLINE T max(const T a,const T b)

Returns maximum of two values.

This function compares two values and returns a maximum




Maximum of two values

public template<>
INLINE T min(const std::vector< T > & input)

Returns minimum of vector values.

This function compares vector values using min() and returns a minimum




Minimum of vector values

public template<>
INLINE T max(const std::vector< T > & input)

Returns maximum of vector values.

This function compares vector values using max() and returns a maximum




Maximum of vector values

public template<>
INLINE T min(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & input)

Returns minimum of matrix values.

This function compares matrix values using min() and returns a minimum




Minimum of matrix values

public template<>
INLINE T max(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & input)

Returns maximum of matrix values.

This function compares matrix values using max() and returns a maximum




Maximum of matrix values

public template<>
INLINE bool isSquare(const T value)

Checks if number is square.

This function checks if number is square




True if number is a square, false otherwise

public template<>
INLINE bool isSquare(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix)

Checks if matrix is square.

This function checks if matrix is square




True if matrix is square, false otherwise

public template<>
INLINE void generateRandomVector(std::vector< T > & vector,const std::size_t length,const T min,const T max)

public template<>
INLINE void generateRandomMatrix(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,const std::size_t xSize,const std::size_t ySize,const T min,const T max)

Fill matrix with random values.

This function fills the matrix of given sizes with random values using std::random_device and generateRandomVector()



public template<>
INLINE void generateRandomMatrix(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,const std::size_t size,const T min,const T max)

Fill matrix with random values.

This function fills the square matrix of given sizes with random values using std::random_device and generateRandomVector()



public template<>
void rotateMatrix(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,const bool rotateClockwise)

Rotate square matrix.

This function rotates the square matrix 90 degrees clockwise or anticlockwise



public template<>
INLINE void inverseMatrix(std::vector< std::vector< T > > matrix,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & inverse)

public template<>
INLINE void inverseMatrix(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix)

public template<>
INLINE void translateMatrixIntoVector(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,std::vector< T > & vector)

Elongates matrix into a vector.

This function converts the matrix into a vector, writing each row one after another in a line



public template<>
INLINE void translateVectorIntoSquareMatrix(std::vector< T > & vector,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix)

Transform vector into a square matrix (if possible)

This function converts the vector into a matrix, if possible. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown at runtime




public template<>
INLINE void generateCirculantMatrix(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,std::vector< T > & source,const bool moveToTheRight)

public template<>
INLINE void multiply(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & left,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & right,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & result)

public template<>
INLINE void multiply(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & left,const std::vector< T > & right,std::vector< T > & result)

public template<>
INLINE void multiply(const std::vector< T > & left,const std::vector< T > & right,T & result)

Calculate vector-vector multiplication.

This function calculates vector-vector multiplication




public template<>
INLINE void multiplyElementWise(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & left,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & right,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & result)

public template<>
INLINE void multiplyElementWise(const std::vector< T > & left,const std::vector< T > & right,std::vector< T > & result)

public template<>
INLINE void multiplyComplexElementWise(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & left,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & right,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & result)


public template<>
INLINE std::string complexIntoString(const std::vector< T > complexValue)


public template<>
INLINE void conjugate(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & complexVector)


public template<>
INLINE void fft(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & complexVector)


public template<>
INLINE void ifft(std::vector< std::vector< T > > & complexVector)


public INLINE std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point time()

Returns current time point.

This function returns current time point using std::chrono


std::chrono::high_resolution_clock entity

public INLINE std::chrono::system_clock::time_point systemTime()

Returns current time point.

This function returns current time point using std::chrono


std::chrono::system_clock entity

public INLINE double duration(const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start,const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point finish,const std::string scale)

public INLINE double duration(const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start,const std::string scale)

public INLINE void printDuration(const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start,const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point finish,const std::string scale,const std::size_t count)

public INLINE void printDuration(const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start,const std::string scale,const std::size_t count)

public INLINE std::string getDateAndTime(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point timePoint)

Get date and time.

This function converts the given moment to std::string containing the passed date and time



std::string with date and time in the format HH:MM:SS

public INLINE std::string getDate(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point timePoint)

Get date.

This function converts the given moment to std::string containing the passed date



std::string with date in the format

public INLINE std::string getTime(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point timePoint)

Get time.

This function converts the given moment to std::string containing the passed time



std::string with date time in the format HH:MM:SS

public INLINE std::string parseParameter(const char * input,const std::string name)

public template<>
INLINE void assignFromVectorByIntervalCondition(T & value,const T parameter,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > intervals)


public template<>
INLINE void assignFromVectorByIntervalCondition(T & firstValue,T & secondValue,const T parameter,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > intervals)


public INLINE bool assignBooleanParameter(const char * input,const std::string name,bool & value)

public INLINE bool assignCharParameter(const char * input,const std::string name,char & value)

public INLINE bool assignStringParameter(const char * input,const std::string name,std::string & value)

public template<>
INLINE bool assignParameter(const char * input,const std::string name,T & value)


public INLINE bool assignAbsDoubleParameter(const char * input,const std::string name,double & value)

public template<>
INLINE bool assignByCheckingParameter(const char * input,const std::string parameter,T & value,const T supposed)


public INLINE void clearScreen()

public INLINE void setLocale(const std::string locale)

public INLINE void showProgressBar(double progress,const int screenWidth)

public INLINE void printLine(const std::string line,const int screenWidth)

public template<>
INLINE void parseFileInMatrix(const std::string filename,const char separator,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix)



public template<>
INLINE void parseFileInVector(const std::string filename,const char separator,std::vector< T > & vector)



public INLINE void parseFileIntoString(const std::string filename,std::string & content)


public template<>
INLINE void accumulateFileInMatrix(const std::string filename,const char separator,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix)


public template<>
INLINE void accumulateFileInVector(const std::string filename,const char separator,std::vector< T > & vector,const bool checkForNaN)


public template<>
INLINE void printMatrix(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,const bool transpose,const int precision)


public template<>
INLINE void printVector(const std::vector< T > & vector,const int precision)


public template<>
INLINE void print(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,const bool transpose,const int precision)


public template<>
INLINE void print(const std::vector< T > & vector,const int precision)


public template<>
INLINE void print(const T value,const std::string name)


public static std::string black("\30m")

Terminal color code for black.

This terminal control sequences sets black font color

public static std::string red("\31m")

Terminal color code for red.

This terminal control sequences sets red font color

public static std::string green("\32m")

Terminal color code for green.

This terminal control sequences sets green font color

public static std::string yellow("\33m")

Terminal color code for yellow.

This terminal control sequences sets yellow font color

public static std::string blue("\34m")

Terminal color code for blue.

This terminal control sequences sets blue font color

public static std::string magenta("\35m")

Terminal color code for magenta.

This terminal control sequences sets magenta font color

public static std::string cyan("\36m")

Terminal color code for cyan.

This terminal control sequences sets cyan font color

public static std::string white("\37m")

Terminal color code for white.

This terminal control sequences sets white font color

public static std::string bold("\1m")

Terminal style code for bold.

This terminal control sequences sets bold font style

public static std::string underline("\4m")

Terminal style code for underline.

This terminal control sequences sets underline font style

public static std::string reset("\0m")

Terminal code to reset special formatting.

This terminal control sequences resets font to the default state

public template<>
INLINE void printStyle(const T income,const std::string style)


public template<>
INLINE void printBlack(const T income)


public template<>
INLINE void printRed(const T income)


public template<>
INLINE void printGreen(const T income)


public template<>
INLINE void printYellow(const T income)


public template<>
INLINE void printBlue(const T income)


public template<>
INLINE void printMagenta(const T income)


public template<>
INLINE void printCyan(const T income)


public template<>
INLINE void printWhite(const T income)


public template<>
INLINE void printBold(const T income)


public template<>
INLINE void printUnderline(const T income)


public INLINE void printAllStyles()

public INLINE void clearStyles()

public template<>
INLINE void saveMatrix(const std::string filename,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,std::string comment,const bool transpose,std::string type,std::string delimiter,const std::size_t tokenWidth)



public template<>
INLINE void saveVector(const std::string filename,const std::vector< T > & vector,std::string comment,std::string type,std::string delimiter)



public INLINE void saveLine(const std::string filename,const std::string line,std::string comment)


public template<>
INLINE void save(const std::string filename,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,std::string comment)

public template<>
INLINE void save(const std::string filename,const std::vector< T > & vector,std::string comment)

public template<>
INLINE void save(const std::string filename,const std::string line,std::string comment)

public INLINE void saveLog(const std::string filename,std::string log,const bool timestamp,const std::string stampSeparator)


public INLINE void saveLog(const std::string filename,std::vector< std::string > & logs,const bool timestamp,const std::string stampSeparator)


public template<>
INLINE bool loadA3R(const std::string filename,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & positions,double & radius)



public template<>
INLINE bool saveA3R(const std::string filename,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & positions,const double radius)



public template<>
INLINE void loadXYZ(const std::string filename,std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix)



See also:

public template<>
INLINE void saveXYZ(const std::string filename,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,const std::vector< T > & tones,std::string elementName)



public template<>
INLINE void saveXYZ(const std::string filename,const std::vector< std::vector< T > > & matrix,std::string elementName)


public INLINE bool folderExists(const std::string name)

Check if folder exists.

This function checks if the given directory actually exists



True if folder exists, false otherwise

public INLINE std::size_t countLinesInFile(const std::string filename,const std::string token)

public INLINE std::vector< std::string > listFilesWithExtension(std::string path,const std::string extension,const std::string prefix,const bool addPathToFileNames)

public INLINE std::string execute(const std::string command)

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